2021 ACEC Virginia Annual Conference
Wednesday, June 16, 2021 12:00 PM - Friday, June 18, 2021 12:00 PM (EDT)
Join us for the 2021 ACEC Virginia Annual Conference in beautiful Virginia Beach.
Wednesday, June 16th - Friday, June 18th | Marriott Delta Virginia Beach Bayfront Suites
*Unable to join us in person? The full conference, along with the Installation Dinner, will be available On-Demand.
Presenting Sponsor:
Educational Sessions with Bud Wrenn - 6 PDH's
Adaptive Leadership – Most leaders have their ‘style’ of management. They have had at least some success using this style, so they rely on it and use it regularly. After a while, the leadership style may get ‘hardwired’ with the leader, and the style may come to define them. They may use this style almost exclusively, and while they may not intend it to be this way, their people have to adapt to the leader’s style.
However, the best leader recognizes that to help their people perform to a maximum level, they (the leaders) themselves have to adapt their leadership style(s) to their people, rather than expecting their people to adapt to the leaders' styles. This is not necessarily an easy thing to do, but it is certainly a part of ‘servant leadership.’ These leaders are flexible with their leadership styles, and while they may tend to lean toward their natural style, they can and are willing to shift into other styles as necessary to fit the need of their people.
This seminar module will help participants identify and understand the four major leadership styles and help them identify the style(s) they are most likely to use. The module will also help them assess other employees to try to determine the styles to which they will best respond.
Annual Conference Agenda:
Wednesday, June 16th
12:00 pm - 4:00pm, Executive Board Meeting
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm, Beach Party Welcome Reception
Thursday, June 17th
7:30 am - 8:30 am, Registration and Breakfast
8:30 am - 9:00 am, Welcome/Announcements/Slate of Officers/Budget Review
9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Adaptive Leadership with Bud Wrenn
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Explore Virginia Beach
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm, President's Reception and Installation of Officers Dinner/ELI & ELP Graduation
Friday, June 18th
8:00 am - 12:00 pm, Adaptive Leadership with Bud Wrenn
Sponsorships Available (view more details here):
Presenting Sponsor, $2000 - SOLD
President's Reception and Installation of Board of Directors Dinner, $1000 - SOLD
Beach Party Welcome Reception, $750 (2 Available) - BOTH SOLD
Educational Session Sponsor, $700 (2 Available)
Coffee Break Sponsor, $300, (1 Available Each Day) - 1 SOLD
Registration Bag Sponsor, $500
Attendee Badge Lanyard Sponsor, $300 - SOLD
Hand Sanitizer Sponsor, $300
Sunscreen Sponsor, $300 - SOLD
Face Mask Sponsor, $300 - SOLD
Delta Hotels Virginia Beach Bayfront Suites - Hotel Information
2800 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia
ACEC Virginia Conference Rate: $199 per night
*Last day to book with the conference rate is Tuesday, June 1st.
Book your room here: https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1605035637375&key=GRP&app=resvlink
COVID-19 Precautions
- Receptions and networking events are planned for outside spaces.
- The educational sessions are hosted in the larger meeting room to optimize social distancing and spacing.
- Masks will be required in all indoor spaces (except when eating or drinking).
- Meals will be served in a different space as the meetings/educational sessions.
- The seated dinner will be socially distanced with just 4 to a 6ft. round table.
- We will offer contactless registration when you arrive for the conference.
- We will offer hand sanitizing stations throughout our event and encourage use from our attendees.
- The annual conference will be a handshake-free zone. Please be sure to maintain social distancing when connecting with others.
Please also review the Delta Virginia Beach Bayfront Suites commitment to standards during your stay: https://whattoexpect.marriott.com/orfdb
2800 Shore Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23451 United States