Insurance & Benefit Services
McGriff Insurance Services, formerly BB&T Insurance is located in Richmond VA with additional offices in Greensboro NC and Columbia SC. Our Practice Group specializes in working with design professionals to help them improve their risk management and risk prevention programs - from identifying the proper insurance program, to providing ongoing professional education programs, contract review and consulting on a range of issues. BB&T enjoys the exclusive appointment (VA, NC, and SC) with XL Design Professional, the premier professional liability carrier for A/E/E firms, as well as the ability to reach out to the broad, ever expanding marketplace. BB&T Insurance Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of BB&T Corp which is among the nation's top financial-holding companies with $157.1 billion in assets. While our size and numbers tell one story - its their translation that's important - BB&T's fundamental value proposition - provide the independent, objective, measured approach you'd expect from a trusted partner. Contact us for more information.